Collect evidence from your observation to determine the level of performance using the Danielson Librarian Rubric to evaluate. Cite examples. Where would you place this teacher on the rubric?
Although the teaching video I watched was not of a media specialist - the teacher I chose to observe was exemplary. Ms. Renita Marshall-Martin is a Fourth grade teacher with a HUGE class (based on my VT standards) of 30 students. She opens her school year by establishing routines, teaching procedures, and cultivating a positive classroom culture. She demonstrates how she has her students organize desks, ask for permission to use the restroom, and how to transition from one activity to the next.
This seems like a lot for a ten minute video however her routines are on point and there was some editing.
1b. Demonstrating knowledge of the school’s program and student
information needs within that program
Again, although this was not a librarian teaching it was very clear that this teacher was very familiar with the school's content standards. She named the goal for the class and explained why it was important to
On the Rubric I would place her between proficient and distinguished.
2a. Creating an environment of respect and rapport - This was evident and distinguished in many ways. The teacher spent a lot of time and energy helping students to organize their desk materials. Although this was a simple act, it demonstrated a respect for the materials students would be using everyday and created uniformity within the environment that was helpful to aligning students.
2d. Managing student behavior - This was proactively accomplished in the first moments of class. The teacher greets students individually, by name and with a positive voice and smile. Establishing the vibe for the day first thing by creating meaningful relationships with students.
2e. Organizing physical space to enable smooth flow - This was so evident due to the large size of the class and small space. The set up created the best flow for the space, there was a lot of practice on how to move about the classroom in a safe and efficient way. The expectation for transitions was clear and goals were set to meet those expectations.
In Domain 2a,2d and 2e - all of these can apply to both the classroom and library so they were easy to evaluate. Again I would place Ms. Mashall-Martin between proficient and distinguished.
Reflect on the METHOD you used (longhand notes, post its, shorthand).
I am a paper and pencil person and I took short and long hand notes while observing. I think it would be helpful for me to record an observation in order to feel like I didn't miss anything. I found myself stopping the video to take notes. This would not be an option during a real time observation.
Which of the four domains in Danielson do you think is the most important and why?
For me, the four domains hold equal importance. I think they each have there place and make for balanced teaching and create the most beneficial environment for the student.
I think that Planning and Prepping is necessary for all teachers new and experienced. We can always be establishing new goals and realigning with the schools goals.
The Environment is impactful to creating a physical space that is conducive to learning and an emotional space that helps students feel safe in an effort to do their best learning.
Delivery of Service is a fluid domain and always shifting or resurfacing. The role of the librarian in schools is constantly changing to meet the needs of students and staff and the delivery of those services changes along with it.
How might you benefit from formalizing a self reflection process?
I've been thinking about recording myself throughout the year as a type of self reflection for myself. I'm not sure if this is formal but I would create a checklist or rubric to help dissect and improve my teaching. Maybe focus on areas like engagement, behavior, content and connectedness to the curriculum.
Choose one of the Reflection Journals in Lipton and indicate why you would advocate that your mentee use it.
I think there is value in all of the Reflection Journals. They are reflective of different teaching and learning styles and can also be used at different times of the year. I remember being a very new librarian and truly not knowing what a goal or reflection was and how to apply it to my teaching. With that said, I think there are different uses for each template.